5 Hairstyling Tips for When You’re Fro- Straighted with Losing Your Hair


There's nothing more frustrating than styling your hair when it's showing signs of thinning. Do you do a side-part or do you back-comb it? Do you tie it up or wear a hat? How do you hide that bald spot that's been taking over your life and stealing the spotlight wherever you go

You've got a major event coming up and you don't know what to do!
Don't worry; we've got you covered (pun intended!)Here are a few hairstyles and tips to try when going to an event or party:

1-Choose a Darker Shade When Dyeing Your Hair

This tip is especially for women. When you go get your hair dyed, make sure to ask the stylist to colour your hair a dark shade. Darker roots will help hide any bald patches and distract away from spots. It also gives your hair a "denser" look.

2-Switch Parts

If you part your hair to the left, then try parting it to the right. This will help stimulate the roots and give your hair a more 'layered' look. It will also add volume. This works for both short and long hair.

3-Avoid Chemicals and Heat

Avoid using shampoos that are laden with chemicals. Avoid using curling irons and blow-dryers as well. If you need to blow-dry your hair, set it to the lowest setting and make sure it's at least 15 centimetres away from the roots of your hair. You don't want to burn and damage the roots so make sure you keep it at a distance.

4-Keep it Short

If you're facing severe hair loss then it's recommended that you keep your hair short. Shorter hair is easier to manage and will also help get rid of dead hair. Short hairstyles also give the illusion of volume and make your hair look denser.

5-Get a Hair Transplant

If all else fails, how about a better and more permanent solution to the problem? Scalp Allure offers scalp micropigmentation services across Maryland. The SEO, Daniel Yerenburg, has years of experience in the industry and is equipped with the best tools and techniques to solve hair loss problems. He has also been listed as one of the top 5 artists in the world.

If you're looking for scalp micropigmentation tattooing in Maryland, you've come to the right place! Contact us to learn more or to speak to one of our representatives. 

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